Monday, September 17, 2012

Penang Food Paradise #31 : Penang Road Laksa

Penang road itself has numerous famous hawkers selling awesome Penang foods during the day, that makes Penang as a food paradise for not only tourists but also localists. Besides the famous Penang Cendol and Penang Hainanese Chicken Rice, there is another stall selling its famous laksa in a corner coffee shop just next to the Penang Famous Cendol named Joo Hooi Cafe.

photo 1.JPG A bowl of Penang Road Laksa.

Every stall in Penang selling the same dish, Penang Laksa, has their unique tastes. Unlike any other stalls, this Penang Road Laksa is famous of its own reason, the tastes. This bowl of laksa I had is unique in the mixture of both saltiness and sourness in the tastes which it differs itself from other famous laksa stalls in Penang if you are taking them into a comparison.

Detailed Information:
Joo Hooi Cafe (Corner)
Penang Road
11:30AM - 5:00PM 

View Penang Road Laksa in a larger map

Related posts you may be interested : 
Famous Balik Pulau Laksa
Famous Penang Air Itam Assam Laksa
Famous Penang Cendol/Chendol
Famous Penang Road Hainanese Chicken Rice

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